Founder's Log, Week 15 (14SEP'20-01NOV'20) - An Incredible Turn of Events →
Week 15. Wow. *insert round of applause* Heck of a ride, thus, so far let me tell you. Been a little bit since we've written in our little journal here but...
Founder's Log, Week 14 (16AUG'20-13SEP '20) - Been a while →
Welcome to our weekly update of the "Founder's Log" a blog dedicated to the progression of American Butchers JERKi, highlighting the things we've accomplished thus far in the past week,...
Founder's Log, Week 13 (30JUL'20-15AUG '20) - Traffic vs Sales →
Providing the inside to understanding that just because your website has a lot of traffic does not mean that your website is generating a lot of sales! Look at it...