THE PAST, THE PRESENT, THE FUTURE — deployed soldiers

Founder's Log #29 (15JAN '22) - Comparison Is The Thief Of Joy
In this episode of the Founder's Log hosted by American Butchers JERKi, Calvin talks about the negativity in comparing yourself to others and the Important steps in business to build proper communication and transparency.
The Founder's Log takes a dive into the behind-the-scenes of American Butchers JERKi. An American-made beef jerky company sending donations to military men and women currently serving overseas as well as first responders in our local communities.
American Butchers JERKi:
American Butchers JERKi's Instagram:
Founder's Log, Week 8 (04JUN'20-17JUN '20) - The Week of moving forward
Week 8 here on the founder's log. Focusing on developing forward progression in brand identity as well as the buzz that is developing regarding our mission.