Welcome to our weekly update of the "Founder's Log" a blog dedicated to the progression of American Butchers JERKi, highlighting the things we've accomplished thus far in the past week, paths we are currently working towards right now, and unchartered paths we hope to accomplish in the upcoming week! Starting a business can be a tough decision so I've added this so you can stay up to date with things I've learned along the way! Have a question, don't hesitate to leave a comment below!
A look into the past week
What a last couple of days it has been over here at American Butchers JERKi. The last one of these blog entries was over two weeks. If you had read last week's post you knew the reason behind the break but for those of you who are new to these entries of the Founder's Log, let me do a quick update. The goal is to write these each week to highlight the past week of progression, the current daily progression, and ultimately a look into the future week to see the goals set for us. Last week we took a week of absence due to some foreseen Military training but we are back in the swing of things. Without further ado, highlighting the last 2 weeks.
Still continuing to make progress, earlier we spoke about waiting to receive some of our products in the mail i.e. business cards and promotional products. We have received all 500 of our crisp glossy business cards and still waiting on the promotional products to be shipped. I read an interesting article that highlighted how business cards are no longer such a thing. They are a past tool that, in today's market, no longer has a home. It made me wonder if I wasted money on these little things or if I'll find a home for them somewhere. I personally have multiple times used a business card to my advantage but this will just have to be something for the future.
The important thing to note in these entries is the raw simplicity of business running from the unedited entries that are American Butchers JERKi. Today has brought a lot of attention to launch. I wouldn’t say that I am scared of launch but more hesitant on the idea that we aren’t perfect. The website can always use further modifications and the product could always use a better design. For this reason, I have continued to put off launch trying to make things flow more unique and perfect. I stumbled upon a quote that might help you come to the hesitation of launching something or starting because you are worried it isn’t perfect yet.
“Perfection is the Enemy of Good”
Cheers to the Future
Time for the future, I believe this to be the last blog write-up before Launch. Today is Wednesday 13 May 2020. If things go according to plan, the official launch of American Butchers JERKi should be on Saturday 16 May 2020. Why this date? Honestly no clue but I feel Saturday will be a good time for me to focus on orders and fulfillment. The date is chosen and our next blog should highlight some behind-the-scenes look into that process. Very excited to see where we can go from here.
The important thing to note is the importance of consistency and continuing to try and be better every single day. The minute we begin to put a halt in forwarding progression, the beginning of constant stag starts to unfold.
The Founder's Log is designed to be a behind the scenes of American Butchers JERKi. With that, I encourage you to ask any questions you might have regarding our product or about the business! Hope to catch you next week, Same time?