*Donated bags to Deployed Service Members: 1,372*


ENTERPRISE, AL (12June) – Earlier this week American Butchers JERKi, a company dedicated to providing beef jerky care packages to service members deployed overseas, completed a twenty-five bag donation to an infantry platoon deployed to Romania. The donation marks the first in the young company’s history. After launching the company only one month ago, founder and CEO Calvin D. Wineland says a great deal of effort from various resources helped make this week’s donation a reality: “I want to thank our friends, family members, and communities. Without their generous support, this first care package would not have been as successful as it was.”

After reaching twenty-five Soldiers in less than one month of online sales, Wineland believes this donation is an important first step in completing American Butchers JERKi’s larger mission: “Although this platoon represents only a small fraction of the hundreds of thousands of American service members defending our great nation overseas on a daily basis, our mission is to be able to cover all deployment locations across the globe. Today’s donation marks an important first step in accomplishing our mission.”

In order to fulfill the donation to Romania, American Butchers JERKi utilized the following organizations:

  • Shopify- American Butchers JERKi has recently adopted Shopify as the company’s e-commerce platform, with services including payment processing and inventory management software.
  • FFA/4-H- American Butchers JERKi helps support agricultural education by purchasing all beef through local Midwestern FFA and 4-H chapters.

About American Butchers JERKi: American Butchers JERKi is a beef jerky business dedicated to sending beef jerky care packages to American service members deployed overseas. Made from cattle grown in America’s Heartland and smoked for hours with the hickory wood, American Butchers JERKi offers four savory flavors of beef jerky through its online store americanbutchersjerki.com. For every two bags of beef jerky sold, American Butchers JERKi sends one bag to a service member deployed overseas.



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